About Mountain View Quilts
Hand made quilts-finished and ready to ship and custom order, quilting supplies, and much more.
Hi and Welcome!! I am Lisa Visel, quilter and crafter. Raised near the cornfields of Illinois, I worked 32 years for the same company as an internal auditor until 2008. Hubby transferred to Phoenix for a bit before he retired in 2013 when we moved to the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in southwestern North Carolina. We may have sketchy cell service and internet, a long drive to get milk, and very few neighbors, but the view and pace of living makes up for it and I wouldn't change it for anything.
As long as I can remember, I have done some sort of craft or art. From card making and scrapbooking to painting to jewelry to mixed media and 3D assemblage. It seems I must always have something going on, especially since I quit working about 15 years ago.
Then came the pandemic and the stay-at-home life. I was searching for something new and I found hand made quilting (gotta love YouTube!). Since March of 2020 I have pieced, sewn, and now longarm quilting my own quilts. It became an obsession! As of December 2022, I've made over 50 quilts! From choosing the fabric and pattern, to cutting and sewing, learning to use the longarm machine, to (my favorite part) hand-stitching the binding. But two people can only use so many hand made quilts!
The quilts began piling up so I started selling them on my Facebook page. Word of mouth kicked in and I began getting orders for hand made quilts, especially for personalized handmade baby quilts and custom made quilts. I even received a few requests to take vintage quilts or quilt blocks and make them in to something new. So my obsession is now your gain!
You can take advantage of my finished ready-to-ship hand made quilts inventory or place an order for a custom made quilt just for you. I work closely with you to pick the size, the theme and color and any personalization you'd like. Everything I make is completely 100% cotton and can be washed and dried--I even launder it before sending it to you with a disinfectant laundry soap so it's fresh and clean.
In the beginning of 2022, during some quilt pattern testing for a designer, I did some editing for her. That led to researching and practicing to become a tech editor for several designers and a major fabric company. I believe my auditing and accounting background has truly helped with this and I absolutely love working with designers on new patterns to get them as correct and user-friendly as possible. Of course, that has also led to actually ghost writing patterns for designers--taking their quilt design and turning it into a final pattern using their voice.
It's been a wild ride! But I love each and every day that I sew, review, and create (which is almost every day!) with fabric. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I can't wait for what else is to come!